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Sahih Muslim [English]
The Book of <i>Jihad</i> and Expeditions
Index of
The Book of <i>Jihad</i> and Expeditions
0 / 181 Hadith
1 - Chapter: Permissibility of raiding the Kuffar, who have been reached with the call of Islam, without giving prior warning
0 / 2 Hadith
2 - Chapter: Ruler appointing leaders of expeditions and advising them of the etiquette of war, etc.
0 / 3 Hadith
3 - Chapter: The command to show leniency and avoid causing aversion (towards Islam)
0 / 4 Hadith
4 - Chapter: The prohibition of betrayal
0 / 10 Hadith
5 - Chapter: Permissibility of deceit in war
0 / 2 Hadith
6 - Chapter: It is disliked to wish to meet the enemy, and the command to be steadfast when meeting the enemy
0 / 2 Hadith
7 - Chapter: It is recommended to pray for victory when meeting the enemy
0 / 4 Hadith
8 - Chapter: The prohibition of killing women and children in war
0 / 2 Hadith
9 - Chapter: Permissibility of killing women and children in night raids, so long as it is not done deliberately
0 / 3 Hadith
10 - Chapter: Permissibility of cutting down the trees of the Kuffar and burning them
0 / 3 Hadith
11 - Chapter: War booty has been made permissible for this Ummah only
0 / 1 Hadith
12 - Chapter: Spoils of War
0 / 10 Hadith
13 - Chapter: The killer is entitled to the belongings of the one who is killed
0 / 7 Hadith
14 - Chapter: Additional rewards, and ransoming muslims in return for prisoners
0 / 1 Hadith
15 - Chapter: Ruling on Fai (Booty acquired without fighting)
0 / 5 Hadith
16 - Chapter: The words of the Prophet (saws): We (Prophets) have no heirs and whatever we leave behind is charity.
0 / 7 Hadith
17 - Chapter: How booty is to be shared among the fighters
0 / 2 Hadith
18 - Chapter: The support of the angels during the Battle of Badr, and the permissibility of the spoils
0 / 1 Hadith
19 - Chapter: Tying up and detaining captives, and the permissibility of releasing them without a ransom
0 / 2 Hadith
20 - Chapter: Expulsion of the Jews from the Hijaz
0 / 3 Hadith
21 - Chapter: Expulsion of Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula
0 / 2 Hadith
22 - Chapter: Permissibility of fighting those who break a treaty; Permissibility of letting besieged people surrender, subject to the judgement of a just person who is qualified to pass judgement
0 / 6 Hadith
23 - Chapter: Hastening to fight, and giving precedence to the more urgent of two tasks when a choice must be made
0 / 1 Hadith
24 - Chapter: The Muhajirun returned to the Ansar the gifts of trees and fruits when they became independent of means through the conquests
0 / 2 Hadith
25 - Chapter: Permissibility of eating food seized as booty in Dar Al-Harb
0 / 3 Hadith
26 - Chapter: The Prophet (saws) wrote to Heraclius, the ruler of Syria, inviting him to Islam
0 / 2 Hadith
27 - Chapter: The Prophet (saws) wrote to the Kings of the Kuffar, inviting them to Islam
0 / 3 Hadith
28 - Chapter: The Battle of Hunain
0 / 8 Hadith
29 - Chapter: The Battle of At-Taif
0 / 1 Hadith
30 - Chapter: The Battle of Badr
0 / 1 Hadith
31 - Chapter: The conquest of Makkah
0 / 3 Hadith
32 - Chapter: Removal of Idols from around the Kabah
0 / 2 Hadith
33 - Chapter: No man if Quraish is to be captured then killed, after the conquest
0 / 2 Hadith
34 - Chapter: The truce of Al-Hudaybiyah
0 / 10 Hadith
35 - Chapter: Upholding Covenants
0 / 1 Hadith
36 - Chapter: The Battle of Al-Ahzab (The Confederates)
0 / 1 Hadith
37 - Chapter: The Battle of Uhud
0 / 7 Hadith
38 - Chapter: The intense wrath of Allah towards the one who was killed by the messenger of Allah (saws)
0 / 1 Hadith
39 - Chapter: The persecution suffered by the prophet (saws) at the hands of the idolaters and hypocrites
0 / 10 Hadith
40 - Chapter: The supplication of the Prophet (saws) and his steadfastness in the face of the hypocrites persecution
0 / 3 Hadith
41 - Chapter: The slaying of Abu Jahl
0 / 1 Hadith
42 - Chapter: The slaying of Kab Bin Al-Ashraf, the Tagut of the Jews
0 / 1 Hadith
43 - Chapter: The Battle of Khaibar
0 / 5 Hadith
44 - Chapter: The Battle of Al-Ahzab (The Confederates), also known as Al-Khandaq (The Ditch)
0 / 7 Hadith
45 - Chapter: The Battle of Dhu Qarad and other battles
0 / 3 Hadith
46 - Chapter: The words of Allah, the Most High: And He it is who has withheld their hands from you
0 / 1 Hadith
47 - Chapter: Women participating in military expeditions with the men
0 / 3 Hadith
48 - Chapter: Women who take part in military expeditions are to be given a reward but not a regular share; And the prohibition of killing children of the enemy
0 / 8 Hadith
49 - Chapter: The number of campaigns of the Prophet (saws)
0 / 7 Hadith
50 - Chapter: The campaign of Dhat Ar-Riqa
0 / 1 Hadith
51 - Chapter: It is disliked to seek the help of a disbeliever in wars (except in cases of necessity, or if he thinks well of the Muslims)
0 / 1 Hadith
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