Hadith Number 692


Jubair b. Nufair reported

I went along with Shurahbil b. al-Simt to a village which was situated at a distance of seventeen or eighteen miles , and he said only two rak'ahs of prayer. I said to him (about it) and he said : I saw 'Umar observing two rak'ahs at Dhu'l-Hulaifa and I (too) said to him (about it) and he said : I am doing the same as I saw the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) doing. This hadith has been transmitted by Shu'ba with the same chain of narrators and it is narrated from Simt , and the name of Shurahbil has not been mentioned , and he said that he had gone to a place called Dumin , situated at a distance of eighteen miles from Hims.