Chapter: Observing Saum (fast) on Tashriq days.

Hadith Number 1996


Narrated Yahya

Hisham said, "My father said that 'Aishah (ra) used to observe Saum (fast) on the days of Mina." His (i.e., Hisham's) father also used to observe Saum on those days.

Hadith Number 1997


Narrated `Aisha and Ibn `Umar

Nobody was allowed to fast on the days of Tashriq except those who could not afford the Hadi (Sacrifice).

Hadith Number 1999


Narrated Ibn `Umar

Fasting for those who perform,Hajj-at-Tamattu` (in lieu of the Hadi which they cannot afford) may be performed up to the day of `Arafat. And if one does not get a Hadi and has not fasted (before the `Id) then one should fast of the days of Mina. (11, 12 and 13th of Dhul Hajja).