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Sahih al-Bukhari [English]
Jizyah and Mawaadaah
Index of
Jizyah and Mawaada'ah
0 / 41 Hadith
1 - Chapter: Al-Jizya taken from the Dhimmi
0 / 3 Hadith
2 - Chapter: Truce with the king of a country
0 / 1 Hadith
3 - Chapter: The advice to take care of non-Muslims who have a covenant of Allahs Messenger saws
0 / 1 Hadith
4 - Chapter: To whom should the Fai and the Jizya be distributed?
0 / 2 Hadith
5 - Chapter: The sin of one who kills an innocent person having a treaty with the Muslims
0 / 1 Hadith
6 - Chapter: The expelling of the Jews from the Arabian Peninsula
0 / 2 Hadith
7 - Chapter: If Al-Mushrikun prove tracherous to the Muslims, may they be forgiven?
0 / 1 Hadith
8 - Chapter: The invocation of the Imam against those who break their covenant (with the Muslims)
0 / 1 Hadith
9 - Chapter: The offering of shelter and peace by women
0 / 1 Hadith
10 - Chapter: The asylum and protection granted by the Muslims should be respected and observed
0 / 1 Hadith
11 - Chapter: If non-Muslims (in war) say: Sabana and could not say Aslamna
0 / 0 Hadith
12 - Chapter: Making peace with Al-Mushrikun and the reconciliation with them
0 / 1 Hadith
13 - Chapter: The superiority of fulfilling ones covenant
0 / 1 Hadith
14 - Chapter: If a Dhimmi practises magic, can he be excused?
0 / 1 Hadith
15 - Chapter: Caution against treachery
0 / 1 Hadith
16 - Chapter: How to revoke a covenant
0 / 1 Hadith
17 - Chapter: The sin of a person who makes a covenant and then proves treacherous
0 / 3 Hadith
18 - Chapter:
0 / 3 Hadith
19 - Chapter: It is permissible to conclude a peace treaty of three days or any other fixed period
0 / 1 Hadith
20 - Chapter: To make peace treaty without a limited period
0 / 0 Hadith
21 - Chapter: The throwing of the dead bodies of Al-Mushrikun
0 / 1 Hadith
22 - Chapter: The sin of a betrayer
0 / 3 Hadith
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