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Sahih Muslim [English]
The Book of Legal Punishments
Index of
The Book of Legal Punishments
0 / 70 Hadith
1 - Chapter The Book of Legal Punishments
0 / 12 Hadith
2 - Chapter: Cutting off the hand of a thief from the nobility and others; the prohibition of interceding with regard to Hudud punishments
0 / 4 Hadith
3 - Chapter: The Hadd punishment for Zina (fornication, adultery)
0 / 4 Hadith
4 - Chapter: Stoning of a married person for Zina
0 / 2 Hadith
5 - Chapter: One who confesses to Zina
0 / 16 Hadith
6 - Chapter: Stoning Jews and Ahl Adh-Dhimmah for Zina
0 / 13 Hadith
7 - Chapter: Delaying the Hadd punishment in the case of women who have just given birth
0 / 2 Hadith
8 - Chapter: Hadd punishment for drinking alcohol
0 / 7 Hadith
9 - Chapter: Number of lashes in the case of tazeer
0 / 1 Hadith
10 - Chapter: The Hadd punishments are an expiation for those on whom they are carried out
0 / 4 Hadith
11 - Chapter: There is no Diyah for injuries caused by animals or by falling into a mine or well
0 / 5 Hadith
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