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Sahih Muslim [English]
The Book of Purification
Index of
The Book of Purification
0 / 139 Hadith
1 - Chapter: The virtue of wudu’
0 / 1 Hadith
2 - Chapter: The obligation of purifying oneself for the salat
0 / 3 Hadith
3 - Chapter: The description of wudu’ and its perfection
0 / 2 Hadith
4 - Chapter: The virtue of performing wudu’ and salat
0 / 10 Hadith
5 - Chapter: The five daily prayers, from one Jumu`ah to the next, and from one Ramadan to the next, are an expiation for whatever (sins) come in between, so long as one avoids major sins
0 / 3 Hadith
6 - Chapter: Adh-Dhikr (the remembrance) which is recommended following wudu’
0 / 2 Hadith
7 - Chapter: Another description of wudu’
0 / 3 Hadith
8 - Chapter: Odd numbers when rinsing the nose and cleaning oneself with pebbles (istijmar)
0 / 6 Hadith
9 - Chapter: The obligation of washing the feet completely
0 / 9 Hadith
10 - Chapter: The obligation of completely washing all the parts to be washed when purifying oneself
0 / 1 Hadith
11 - Chapter: Sins exit with the water of wudu’
0 / 2 Hadith
12 - Chapter: The recommendation to increase the area washed for the forehead, arms, and legs well when performing wudu’
0 / 7 Hadith
13 - Chapter: Adornment (in the hereafter) will reach as far as the wudu’ reached
0 / 1 Hadith
14 - Chapter: The virtue of isbaghil-wudu’ (performing wudu’ properly) during times when it is difficult to do so
0 / 2 Hadith
15 - Chapter: Siwak (tooth-stick)
0 / 8 Hadith
16 - Chapter: The characteristics of the fitrah
0 / 9 Hadith
17 - Chapter: Cleaning oneself after relieving oneself
0 / 7 Hadith
18 - Chapter: The prohibition of cleaning oneself with the right hand
0 / 3 Hadith
19 - Chapter: Starting on the right when purifying oneself and in other matters
0 / 2 Hadith
20 - Chapter: The prohibition of relieving oneself in the street or in the shade
0 / 1 Hadith
21 - Chapter: Cleaning oneself with water after defecating
0 / 3 Hadith
22 - Chapter: Wiping over the khuff (leather socks)
0 / 11 Hadith
23 - Chapter: Wiping over the forehead and the imamah
0 / 5 Hadith
24 - Chapter: Time-limit for wiping over the khuff
0 / 2 Hadith
25 - Chapter: The permissibility of performing all the prayers with one wudu’
0 / 1 Hadith
26 - Chapter: It is disliked for the person who wants to perform wudu’, and others, to put his hand in the vessel (containing water) before washing it three times, if he is not sure whether something impure is on his hands or not
0 / 4 Hadith
27 - Chapter: Rulings on what was licked by a dog
0 / 7 Hadith
28 - Chapter: The prohibition of urinating into standing water
0 / 3 Hadith
29 - Chapter: Prohibition of performing ghusl in standing water
0 / 1 Hadith
30 - Chapter: The obligation to wash away urine and other impurities if they result in the Masjid, and the ground may be purified with water with no need to scrub it
0 / 3 Hadith
31 - Chapter: The ruling on the urine of a nursing infant and how to wash it
0 / 6 Hadith
32 - Chapter: The ruling on semen
0 / 7 Hadith
33 - Chapter: The impurity of blood and how to wash it
0 / 2 Hadith
34 - Chapter: The evidence that urine is impure and the obligation to take precautions concerning it
0 / 2 Hadith
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