Hadith 168 Part A


It is narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said

When I was taken for the night journey I met Moses peace be upon him). The Apostle of Allah (ﷺ) gave his description thus: He was a man, I suppose-and he (the narrator) was somewhat doubtful (that the Prophet observed): (Moses) was a man erect in stature with straight hair on his head as it he was one of the men of the Shanu'a; and I met Jesus and the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) described him as one having a medium stature and a red complexion as if he had (just) come out of the bath He observed: I saw Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and amongst his children I have the greatest resemblance with him. He said: There were brought to me two vessels. In one of them was milk and in the other one there was wine. And it was said to me: Select any one you like. So I selected the vessel containing milk and drank it. He (the angel) said: You have been guided on al-fitra or you have attained al-fitra. Had you selected wine, your Ummah would have been misled.