Hadith 161 Part C


Yahya reported

I asked Abu Salama what was revealed first from the Qur'an. He said : " 0 , the shrouded one." I said : Or" Recite." Jabir said : I am narrating to you what was narrated to us by the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ). He said : I stayed in Hira' for one month and when my stay was completed , I come down and went into the heart of the valley. Somebody called me aloud. I looked in front of me , behind me , on the right of my side and on my left , but I did not see any body. I was again called and I looked about but saw nothing. I was called again and raised my head , and there on the Throne in the open atmosphere he , i. e. Gabriel (peace be upon him) was sitting. I began to tremble on account of fear. I came to Khadija and said : Wrap me up. They wrapped me up and threw water on me and Allah , the Exalted and Glorious , sent down this : you who are shrouded ! arise and deliver warning , your Lord magnify , your clothes cleanse."