Hadith Chapter Part G


rather we prefer to place several as a symbol for what we remain silent on. Abū Uthmān an-Nahdī and Abū Rāfi’ as-Sā’igh both were from among those who witnessed the age of Jahiliyyah [the time before Islam in the Arabian Peninsula] and were among the Companions of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings upon him, who witnessed the battle of Badr, and so on and so forth. They both related reports on authority of [the Companions] until they [related Ḥadīth from younger Companions] the likes of Abū Hurayrah and Ibn Umar. Each of these two transmitted a single Ḥadīth on authority of Ubayy bin K’ab, on authority of the Prophet, peace and blessings upon him, and we did not hear in an actual transmission that they had seen Ubayy with their own eyes, or heard anything from him.