Hadith Chapter Part F


We have not found mention in an actual transmission his seeing either of them and we have not heard from any of Ahl ul-Ilm who have passed or who we have met who charged with weakness these two reports who Abd Allah bin Yazīd transmitted on authority of Hudhayfah and Abū Mas’ūd. Rather according to those we met from Ahl ul-Ilm in Ḥadīth those two [reports] and whatever is similar to them are among the authentic and strong chains; they held the view of acting by what was related by them, and relied upon what came from the Sunan and Āthār [in that manner]. And it is weak and abandoned in the allegation of the one whose view we related before, until ‘hearing’ of the transmitter is obtained from whoever transmits [them]. And even if we took to enumerating the authentic reports according to Ahl ul-Ilm whereof they are weak in the allegation of this speaker and we counted them, truly we would not be able to fully examine its mention and enumerate all of them;