Hadith Chapter Part T


Suwayd bin Sa’īd narrated to us, Alī bin Mus’hir narrated to us, he said

‘Hamzah az-Zayyāt and I heard from Abān bin Abī Ayyāsh something like one thousand Ḥadīth’. Alī said: ‘So I met Hamzah then he informed me that he saw the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah upon him, [in a dream], and he produced for him what he heard from Abān. However he [the Prophet] didn’t recognize any except a small amount [like] five or six [Ḥadīth]’. Abd Allah bin Abd ar-Rahman ad-Dārimī narrated to us, Zakariyyā’ bin Adī informed us, he said, Abū Ishāq al-Fazarī said to me: ‘Write from Baqiyyah what he transmits on authority of those who are well-known, and do not write from him what he transmits on authority of those who are not; do not write from Ismā’īl bin Ayyāsh what he transmits on authority of those who are well-known or otherwise ’. Ishāq bin Ibrāhīm al-Hanthalī [bin Rāhwayh] narrated to us, he said, I heard one of the companions of Abd Allah [bin al-Mubārak] say, Ibn al-Mubārak said: ‘What an excellent man is Baqiyyah, if it were not for the fact that he would provide a nickname for [those who were better-known by] the birth name, and he would provide the birth name for [those who were better-known by] a nickname. For a long time he would narrated to us on authority of Abī Sa’īd al-Wuhāthī, then when we investigated [we were surprised that] he was Abd ul-Quddūs ’.