Hadith Chapter Part O


Hajjāj bin ash-Shā’ir narrated to me, Sulaymān bin Harb narrated to us, Ibn Zayd, rather Hammād, narrated to us, he said, it was said to Ayyūb, ‘Indeed Amr bin Ubayd transmitted on authority of al-Hasan that he said

‘There is no flogging the one who gets drunk from Nabīdh’.’ [Ayyūb] said: ‘He lied, for I heard al-Hasan saying, ‘Flog the one who gets drunk from Nabīdh’.’ Hajjāj narrated to me, Sulaymān bin Harb narrated to us, he said, I heard Sallām bin Abī Mutī’ saying, it reached Ayyūb that I would go to Amr so he turned to me and said: ‘Have you seen a man whose Dīn you do not trust- how do you trust him regarding Ḥadīth?’ Salamah bin Shabīb narrated to me, al-Humaydī narrated to us, Sufyān narrated to us, he said I heard Abū Mūsā [Isrā’īl bin Mūsā al-Basrī] saying: ‘Amr bin Ubayd narrated to us before what happened’ [i.e. before he became Mu’tazilī].