Hadith 7 Part G


Hasan bin Alī al-Hulwānī narrated to us, Yahyā bin Ādam narrated to us, Ibn Idrīs narrated to us, on authority of al-A’mash, on authority of Abī Ishāq who said

‘When they narrated these things after Alī, may Allah be pleased with him, a man from the companions of Alī said: ‘May Allah curse them. Did they corrupt every [type of] knowledge!?’ Alī bin Khashram narrated to us, Abū Bakr, meaning Ibn Ayyāsh, informed us, he said ‘I heard al-Mughīrah saying: ‘There are no Ḥadīth on authority of Alī, may Allah be pleased with him, that are confirmed except from the companions of Abd Allah bin Mas’ūd.’