Hadith 7 Part A


Harmalah bin Yahyā bin Abd Allah bin Harmalah bin Imrān at-Tujībī narrated to me, he said Ibn Wahb narrated to us, he said Abū Shurayh narrated to me that he heard Sharāhīl bin Yazīd saying ‘Muslim bin Yasār informed me that he heard Abā Hurayrah saying, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah upon him, said

‘There will be in the end of time charlatan liars coming to you with narrations that you nor your fathers heard, so beware of them lest they misguide you and cause you tribulations’.’ Abū Sa’īd al-Ashajj narrated to me, Wakī’ narrated to us, al-A’mash narrated to us, on authority of al-Musayyab bin Rāfi’, on authority of Āmir bin Abdah, he said, Abd Allah [bin Mas’ūd] said: ‘Indeed Satan will appear in the form of a man and he will come to the people, narrating to them false Ḥadīth, and they will then depart. Then a man among them will say: ‘I heard a man whose face I recognize but I do not know his name narrating [such and such]…’ Muhammad bin Rāfi’ narrated to me, Abd ur-Razzāq narrated to us, Ma’mar informed us, on authority of Ibn Tāwus, on authority of his father, on authority Abd Allah bin Amr bin al-Ās, he said: ‘Indeed in the sea are devils chained up, whom Sulaymān shackled and they are at the point of emerging. Then they will recite a Qur’ān upon the people.’