Hadith 2503 Part A


Asma' bint 'Umais who had migrated to Abyssinia and had come back along with them (along with immigrants) visited Hafsa , the wife of Allah's Apostle (ﷺ). (Accordingly) , Umar had been sitting with her (Hafsa). As 'Umar saw Asma , he said : Who is she ? She (Hafsa) said : She is Asma , daughter of 'Umais. He said : She is an Abyssinian and a sea-woman. Asma said : Yes , it is so. Thereupon 'Umar said : We preceded you in migration and so we have more right to Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as compared with you. At this she felt annoyed and said : 'Umar , you are not stating the fact ; by Allah , you had the privilege of being in the company of the Messenger (ﷺ) who fed the hungry among you and instructed the ignorant amongst you , whereas we had been far (from here) in the land of Abyssinia amongst the enemies and that was all for Allah and Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) and , by Allah , I would never take food nor take water unless I make a mention to Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) of what you have said. We remained in that country in constant trouble and dread and I shall talk about it to Allah's Messenger (way peace be upon him) and ask him (about it). By Allah , I shall not tell a lie and deviate (from the truth) and add anything to that. So , when Allah's Apostle (ﷺ) came , she said : Allah's Apostle , 'Umar says so and so. Upon this Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said : His right is not more than yours , for him and his companions there is one migration , but for you , i. e. for the people of the boat , there are two migrations. She said : I saw Abu Musa and the people of the boat coming to me in groups and asking me about this hadith , because there was nothing more pleasing and more significant for them than this. Abu Burda reported that Asma said : I saw Abu Musa , asking me to repeat this hadith to him again and again.