Hadith 1211 Part H


A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) said

We proceeded with the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) during the year of the Farewell Pilgrimage. There were those amongst us who had put on Ihram for Umra, and those who had put on Ihram both for Hajj and" Umra, and those amongst us who had put on Ihram for Hajj (only), while the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) had put on Ihram for Hajj (only). He who put on Ihram for Umra put it off (after performing Umra), and he who had put on Ihram for Hajj or for both Hajj and 'Umra did not put it off before the day of sacrifice (10th of Dhu'l-Hijja).