Chapter: The Dreams Of The Prophet (SAW)

Hadith 2270 Part A


Anas b. Malik reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying

I saw during the night that which a person sees during the sleep as if we are in the house of `Uqba b. Rafi` that there was brought to us the fresh dates of Ibn Tab. I interpreted it as the sublimity for us in the world and good ending in the Hereafter and that our religion is good.

Hadith 2271 Part A


Abdullah b. `Umar reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying

I saw in a dream that I was using miswak and two persons contended to get it from me, one being older than the other one. I gave the miswak to the younger one. It was said to me to give that to the older one and I gave it to the older one.

Hadith 2272 Part A


Abu Musa reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying

I dreamt (while asleep) that I was about to migrate from Mecca to a land abounding in palm trees and I guessed that it would be Yamama or Hajar, but it was the city of Yathrib (the old name of Medina), and I saw in this dream of mine that I was brandishing a sword and its upper end was broken and this is what fell (in the form of misfortune to the believers on the Day of Uhud). I brandished (the sword) for the second time and it became all right and this is what came to be true when Allah granted us victory and solidarity of the believers. And I saw therein cows also and Allah is the Doer of good. These meant the group from amongst the believers on the Day of Uhud and the goodness which Allah brought after that and the reward of attestation of his Truth which Allah brought to us after the Day of Badr.

Hadith 2273 Part A


Ibn `Abbas reported that Musailima al-Kadhdhab (the greater liar) (who claimed prophethood after the death of the Holy Prophet) came during the lifetime of Allah's Apostle (ﷺ) to Medina and said

If Muhammad assigns his caliphate to me after him I would follow him , and there came along with him a large body of persons of his tribe , and there came to him Allah's Apostle (ﷺ) along with Thabit b. Qais b. Shammas and the Prophet of Allah (ﷺ) had a piece of wood in his hand until he came in front of Musailima in the company of his companions and said : If you were to ask even this (wood) , I would never give it to you. I am not going to do anything against the will of God in your case , and if you turn away (from what I say) Allah will destroy you. And I find you in the same state which I was shown (in the dream) and here is Thabit and he would answer you on my behalf. He (the Holy Prophet) then went back.

Hadith 2274 Part E


Ibn `Abbas said : I asked the (meaning of the) words of Allah's Apostle (ﷺ) : "You are the same what I was made to see about you in my dream." and Abu Huraira reported that Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said : While I was sleeping I saw in my hands two gold bangles. This had a disturbing effect upon me and I was given a suggestion in the sleep that I should blow over them , so I blew over them and they were no more. And I interpreted these (two bangles) as the two great liars who would appear after me and the one amongst them was Al-`Anasi the inhabitant of San`a' and the other one Musailima the inhabitant of Yamama.

Hadith 2274 Part B


Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying

While I was sleeping, the treasures of the earth were presented to me and I was made to wear in my hands two gold bangles. I felt a sort of burden upon me and I was disturbed and it was suggested to me that I should blow over them, so I blew and both of them disappeared. I interpreted them as two great liars who would appear at any time, one is the inhabitant of San`a' and the other is that of Yamama.

Hadith 2275 Part A


Samura b. Jundab reported that when Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) had performed his dawn prayer he turned his face towards them (that is towards his Companions) and said

Did any one of you see any vision last night?