Chapter: The Prohibition Of Two People Conversing Privately To The Exclusion Of A Third Without His Consent

Hadith 2138 Part A


Ibn Umar reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying

When there are three (persons) , two should not converse secretly between themselves to the exclusion of the (third) one.

Hadith 2183 Part B


This hadith has been reported on the authority of lbn 'Umar through two different chains of transmitters.

Hadith 2184 Part A


'Abdullah reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying

If you are three, two amongst you should not converse secretly between yourselves to the exclusion of the other (third one), unti some other people join him (and dispel his loneliness), for it may hurt his feelings.

Hadith 2184 Part B


'Abdullah reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying

If you are three, two should not converse secretly to the exclusion of your companion for that hurts his feelings.

Hadith 2184 Part C


This hadith has been reported on the authority of A'mash with the same chain of transmitters.