Chapter: The prohibition of intercourse with a pregnant captive woman

Hadith 1441 Part A


Abu Darda' (Allah be pleased with him) related from the Prophet of Allah (ﷺ) that he came upon a woman who was in the advanced stage of pregnancy at the door of a tent. He (the Holy Prophet) said

Perhaps he (the man accompanying her) intends to cohabit with her. They said: Yes. Thereupon Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said: I have decided to curse him with such a curse as may go along with him to his grave. How can he own him (the child to be born) and that is not lawful for him, and how can he take him as a servant for that is not lawful for him?

Hadith 1441 Part B


A hadith like this has been transmitted on the authority of Shu'ba.