Chapter: Stoning Jamrat Al-Aqabah from the bottom of the valley; Makkah should be on to ones left and one should say Takbir with each throw

Hadith 1296 Part A


'Abd al-Rahman b. Yazid reported that 'Abdullah b. Mas'ud (Allah be pleased with them) threw seven pebbles at Jamrat al-'Aqaba from the heart of the valley. He pronounced Takbir with every pebble. It was said to him that people fling stones from the upper side (of the valley), whereupon 'Abdullah b. Mas'ud (Allah he pleased with them) said

By him, besides Whom there is no other god, that is the place (of flinging stones) of one upon whom Surah al-Baqara was revealed (the Holy Prophet).

Hadith 1296 Part B


A'mash reported

I heard Hajjaj b. Yusuf saying as he was delivering sermon on the pulpit: Observe the order of the (Holy) Qur'an which has been observed by Gabriel. (Thus state the surahs in this manner)" one in which mention has been made of al-Baqara,"" one in which mention has been made of women (Surah al-Nisa')" and then the surah in which mention has been made of the Family of 'Imrin. He (the (narrator) said: I met Ibrahim and informed him about these words of his (the statement of Hajjaj b. Yusuf). He cursed him and said: Abd al-Rahman b. Yazid has narrated to me that when he was in the company of 'Abdullah b. Mas'udd (Allah be pleased with them) he came to Jamrat al-'Aqaba and then entered the heart of the valley and faced towards it (the Jamra) and then flung seven pebbles at it from the heart of the valley pronouncing Takbir with every pebble. I said: Abu 'Abd al-Rahman, people fling pebbles at it (Jamra) from the upper side, whereupon he said: By Him besides Whom there is no god, that is the place (of flinging pebbles of one) upon whom Surah al-Baqara was revealed;

Hadith 1296 Part C


A'mash reported

I heard Hajjaj saying I Do not say Surah al-Baqara. The rest of the hadith is the same.

Hadith 1296 Part D


Abd al-Rahman b. Yazid reported that he performed Hajj along with 'Abdullah (Allah be pleased with him) and he flung seven pebbles at al-Jamra (from a position) that the House was on his left and Mina was on his right and said

That is the place (of flinging pebbles of one) upon whom Surah al-Baqara was revealed.

Hadith 1296 Part E


This hadith nas been narrated on the authority of Shu'ba with the same chain of transmitters except with this variation of (words)

As he came to Jamrat al-'Aqaba."

Hadith 1296 Part F


Abd al-Rahman b. Yazid reported

It was said to 'Abdullah (Allah be pleased with bird) that people threw pebbles at the Jamra from the upper side of 'Aqaba, whereas he threw stones at it from the heart of the valley, whereupon he said: By Him besides Whom there is no god, it is at this very place that one upon whom was revealed Surah al-Baqara threw stones at it.