Chapter: The virtue of fasting Muharram

Hadith 1163 Part A


Abu Haraira (Allah be pleased with him) reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying

The most excellent fast after Ramadan is God's month. al-Muharram, and the most excellent prayer after what is prescribed is prayer during the night.

Hadith 1163 Part B


Abu Huraira (Allah be pleased with him) reported that he (the Messenger of Allah) was asked as to which prayer was most excellent after the prescribed prayer, and which fast was most excellent after the month of Ramadan. He said

Prayer offered in the middle of the night and the most excellent fast after (fasting) in the month of Ramadan is the fast in God's month al-Muharram.

Hadith 1163 Part C


A hadith like this has been reported from the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) by 'Abd al-Malik with the same chain of transmitters in connection with fast.