Chapter: “Our property is not to be inherited, and whatever we leave is Sadaqa.”

Hadith Number 6725


Narrated `Aisha

Fatima and Al `Abbas came to Abu Bakr, seeking their share from the property of Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) and at that time, they were asking for their land at Fadak and their share from Khaibar. Abu Bakr said to them, " I have heard from Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) saying, 'Our property cannot be inherited, and whatever we leave is to be spent in charity, but the family of Muhammad may take their provisions from this property." Abu Bakr added, "By Allah, I will not leave the procedure I saw Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) following during his lifetime concerning this property." Therefore Fatima left Abu Bakr and did not speak to him till she died.

Hadith Number 6727


Narrated `Aisha

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Our (Apostles') property should not be inherited, and whatever we leave, is to be spent in charity."

Hadith Number 6728


Narrated Malik bin Aus

'I went and entered upon `Umar, his doorman, Yarfa came saying `Uthman, `Abdur-Rahman, Az- Zubair and Sa`d are asking your permission (to see you). May I admit them? `Umar said, 'Yes.' So he admitted them Then he came again and said, 'May I admit `Ali and `Abbas?' He said, 'Yes.' `Abbas said, 'O, chief of the believers! Judge between me and this man (Ali ). `Umar said, 'I beseech you by Allah by Whose permission both the heaven and the earth exist, do you know that Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, 'Our (the Apostles') property will not be inherited, and whatever we leave (after our death) is to be spent in charity?' And by that Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) meant himself.' The group said, '(No doubt), he said so.' `Umar then faced `Ali and `Abbas and said, 'Do you both know that Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said that?' They replied, '(No doubt), he said so.' `Umar said, 'So let me talk to you about this matter. Allah favored His Apostle with something of this Fai' (i.e. booty won by the Muslims at war without fighting) which He did not give to anybody else; Allah said:-- 'And what Allah gave to His Apostle ( Fai' Booty) do all things....(59.6) And so that property was only for Allah's Messenger (ﷺ). Yet, by Allah, he neither gathered that property for himself nor withheld it from you, but he gave its income to you, and distributed it among you till there remained the present property out of which the Prophet (ﷺ) used to spend the yearly maintenance for his family, and whatever used to remain, he used to spend it where Allah's property is spent (i.e. in charity etc.). Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) followed that throughout his life. Now I beseech you by Allah, do you know all that?' They said, 'Yes.' `Umar then said to `Ali and `Abbas, 'I beseech you by Allah, do you know that?' Both of them said, 'Yes.' `Umar added, 'And when the Prophet (ﷺ) died, Abu Bakr said, ' I am the successor of Allah's Messenger (ﷺ), and took charge of that property and managed it in the same way as Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) did. Then I took charge of this property for two years during which I managed it as Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) and Abu Bakr did. Then you both (`Ali and `Abbas) came to talk to me, bearing the same claim and presenting the same case. (O `Abbas!) You came to me asking for your share from the property of your nephew, and this man (Ali) came to me, asking for the share of h is wife from the property of her father. I said, 'If you both wish, I will give that to you on that condition (i.e. that you would follow the way of the Prophet (ﷺ) and Abu Bakr and as I (`Umar) have done in man aging it).' Now both of you seek of me a verdict other than that? Lo! By Allah, by Whose permission both the heaven and the earth exist, I will not give any verdict other than that till the Hour is established. If you are unable to manage it, then return it to me, and I will be sufficient to manage it on your behalf.' "

Hadith Number 6729


Narrated Abu Huraira

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "Not even a single Dinar of my property should be distributed (after my deaths to my inheritors, but whatever I leave excluding the provision for my wives and my servants, should be spent in charity."

Hadith Number 6730


Narrated `Urwa

`Aisha said, "When Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) died, his wives intended to send `Uthman to Abu Bakr asking him for their share of the inheritance." Then `Aisha said to them, "Didn't Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) say, 'Our (Apostles') property is not to be inherited, and whatever we leave is to be spent in charity?'"